FANOX has implemented comprehensive policies and procedures to manage and promote gender and social equality principles within the company. These policies are formally outlined in FANOX’s Equality Plan.

FANOX’s Equality Plan aims to comply with the current legislation in Spain, specifically, the Organic Law 3/2007 on Effective Gender Equality and the Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 on Urgent Measures to Guarantee Equality of Treatment and Opportunities between Women and Men in Employment and Occupation.

The management’s commitment to equality and non-discrimination is recognized as paramount to actively engaging the entire team in this mission. Moreover, it seeks to make the Equality Plan an effective tool for improving the working environment, optimizing the skills and potential of all staff, and ultimately enhancing the company’s quality of life and productivity.

It is essential to highlight that FANOX’s Equality Plan is not limited to women but is directed at the company’s entire workforce. The main objective is to achieve real equality, which involves not only preventing gender-based discrimination (equal treatment) but also ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in aspects such as access to the company, hiring, working conditions, promotion, and training, compensation, work-life balance, and occupational health.

FANOX’s Equality Plan establishes measures to ensure the absence of direct and indirect discrimination in selection, hiring, promotion, professional development, communication, compensation, and occupational health, all in full alignment with the company’s principles and policies. In summary, the goal is to create an inclusive and equitable work environment where all individuals have equal opportunities and are treated fairly, regardless of gender.