Kalkitech SYNC 3000 series is a range of high-performance data concentrators and communication devices that serve as the ideal substation communication hub with advanced features including redundancy, robustness and security features compliant with IEC and NERC-CIP standards. SYNC 3000 supports a wide range of protocols including ICCP TASE.2 (IEC 60870-6), IEC 61850 GOOSE, DNP3.0 and can support up to 12 RS232/485 and 6 Ethernet ports. SYNC 3000 also supports IEC-61131-3
Following are the key features:
- Vast protocol conversion capability
- Adaptable for customization and additional protocols
- Multi master communication capability
- Automatic startup and initialization following power restoration
- Disturbance and fault record collection and management
- IEC61131 based programing logic (optional)
- Time synchronization using IEC60870/DNP3/SNTP/IEEE1588
- Transparent/tunneling support for remote configuration and disturbance collection
- Device management using SNMP/webserver
- File upload/ download support, remote configuration
- Obtains and stores event records locally and remotely
- IEC61850-3 certified for substation environment
- MTBF of 100,000 hours and more
- No fans or other moving parts
- IEC 61850-3 compliant hardware*
- KEMA certified IEC 61850 server
- Supports device redundancy
- Provides communication security on both upstream and downstream
* Selected hardware
- Variants with up to 12 serial ports and 6 Ethernet ports available
- Option for expanding communication ports using terminal server and pluggable switch
- Fiber optic Ethernet option available
- Inbuilt and external pluggable I/O
- Eternal pluggable cellular modem (GPRS/EDGE/CDMA/UMTS)
- External pluggable RF/PSTN modem
- Wide range of AC and DC power supply
- NERC-CIP compliant security
- SSL VPN with AES, DES or 3DES encryption
- 62351 based transport layer security
SYNC 3000: With up to 6 Ethernet and 12 serial ports, SYNC 3000 is perfect for large scale substation data concentration activities, and supports more than 50000 data points (10000 IEC61850 data-points). The device is rugged and therefore suitable for substation environments. It is IEC61850-3 certified, offers heavy duty ESD protection as well as optional SATA hard disk support. It is available in four variants with different combination of Ethernet ports available for use
- SYNC3000-M1 : With first two copper Ethernet ports licensed in six ethernet port model
- SYNC3000-M2 : With first four copper Ethernet ports licensed in six ethernet port model
- SYNC3000-M3 : With six copper Ethernet ports
- SYNC3000-M12 : With two fiber ethernet and 2 copper ethernet ports
Applications of SYNC 3000:
- IEC 61850 Substation Data Concentrator
- Sub-station to Control Center Gateway
- AMI/ Smart Grid/ Metering
- AMI/ Demand Side Controller Gateways
- Smart Grid Protocol Converter
- Substation Gateway and Protocol Converter
Disturbance Data collection gateway: SYNC 3000 has the capability to collect disturbance data from IEDs supplied by multiple vendors on real time basis. It has the ability to gather, process and present real-time data related to faults and disturbances at individual substations as well as convert the disturbance data into the COMPTRADE file format and transmit it to the control center over a secure communication channel.
- Substation level Phasor Data concentrator: SYNC 3000 can also be used as a substation level phasor data concentrator for SYNC 4100 in the wide area monitoring solution. It is IEC 61850-3 certified, NREC CIP compliant and concentrates PMU streams and transmits it to the central/regional data centre.