Audentes Fortuna iuvat. ‘Fortune favours the bold’
It is surprising that in this verse of the Aeneid, Virgili, refers to the bold and not to the courage. Courage and boldness are terms that may seem synonymous, but they are not. Boldness requires initiative and entails having the drive to undertake courageous actions. The bold do not wait for the opportunity to show their value; they seek it out and instigate it with their actions.
This is all to say that Fanox throughout these 25 years, has been integrated by bold men and women. They knew how to take advantage of prosperity times and did not crumble when they had to sail in rough seas. They knew how to overcome difficulties, changing what they had to and preserving what is irreplaceable.
But, why we say bold? Years ago, we perceived the giant potential of Self-powered Protection Relays. Now we are the world’s leaders in SELF-POWERED technology thanks to our hard work, know-how and experience.
Along the way, we have launched overcurrent, earth fault, undervoltage and overvoltage, frequency or feeder relays, and in recent years we are focused on Recloser Control Technologies.
We live in a world of continuous change and we will face the future as we did in the past: with the flexibility to evolve and with the mind set on incoming new customers’ requirements and market opportunities.
Flexibility to adapt to change and open up new horizons, envision the future, provide solutions. Flexibility to organise operationally and design effective strategies.
More than a few people come to see us and praise our achievements. They wonder about how we have done it, they ask us to share the formula. We always say the same thing: be clear about where you want to get to, never lose your drive, keep moving forward, persevere… And that takes time, we have been in this endeavor for 25 years. It is not a short task.
Perseverance has been an essential value in Fanox growth, behind every success there is always a significant effort. Currently we are living an industrial change that will provide leading processes and machines, to serve our customers with the highest quality devices, with in the minimum time and at the most competitive price.
At Fanox we feel privileged for what we are and we have achieved, but also we feel a great responsibility because the demand upon us will certainly extend beyond in the future. That’s why our total commitment is crucial.
Commitment within Fanox team, commitment within our customers and collaborators and commitment with every markets where we are. And now is in our hands to make honor for years to come.
New winds are blowing very strong. The high winds are almost a gale. The bold will pull together taking advantage of that wind and will sail into the future riding the waves. Others will seek the safety of a sheltering harbour or will sink.
Audentes Fortuna iuvat. ‘Fortune favours the bold’
We want to sail. We are going to pull together. We want to continue being bold.