FANOX offers a complete range of compact equipment that provide the highest safety level for protection against transient overvoltages in supplying lines application in any kind of industrial installation or facilities.
This is the kind of protection against overvoltage most frequently used and efficient. It’s designed for limiting the transient overvoltage, mainly of atmospheric origin and shunting earth leakage currents, with the purpose of cutting down the peak value of this overvoltage to an amount that is not dangerous for the electrical installation, the switchgear or the installed control devices.
Class 1 or Type B SPD is recommended for the specific case of the service and industrial sectors, buildings protected by a lightning protection system or a mesh cage.
Protects electrical installations against lightning direct releases. Class 1 or Type B SPD is characterized by a current wave of 10/350 ?s.
They provide a much bigger discharge capacity than other SPD levels with also a bigger energy shunt. It’s Technology ‘Spark Gap’ offers one of the discharge features and residual voltages adapted to its installation point areas exposed to high transient overvoltages.